Three to Tango

This is not food.
I think it looks good.
Try it.
-Are you okay?

You know what?
I knew that tuna melt tasted funny.

I'm lucky. I can eat anything.
My mother was a horrible cook.

She'd make this chicken that smelled like...
:25:44 old shoe, a wet dog,
blue cheese and....

I'm sorry.
-Will you excuse me for a second?

Boy, I feel good.
Oh, God. Don't worry.
You'll feel better in a second.

It just doesn't get better than this.
-You still want to go to that party?
-Yeah. Absolutely.

Are we sure this is safe?
It's safe. Allow me.
Maybe we should skip the party?
I'm sorry about before.
How are your balls?

They're fine. Thank you for asking that.
I had a great time.
One catastrophe after another. I loved it.

Me too.
This is me.
