
Thanks, noble Titus,
father of my life.
How proud I am of thee
and of thy gifts

Rome shall record.
And when I do forget
the least of these unspeakable deserts,

Romans, forget thy fealty to me.
Now, madam,
are you prisoner to an emperor--

to him that,
for your honor and your state,

will use you nobly
and your followers.

a goodly lady.
Trust me,
of the hue that I would choose...

were I to choose anew.
Clear up, fair Queen,
that cloudy countenance.

Though chance of war hath wrought
this change of cheer,

thou comest not to be made
a scorn in Rome.

Princely shall be thy usage...
every way.
Rest on my word,
and let not discontent
daunt all your hopes.

Madam, he that comforts you
can make you greater
than queen of Goths.

Lavinia, you are
not displeased with this?

Not I, my lord,
sith true nobility
warrants these words

in princely courtesy.
Thanks, sweet Lavinia.
Romans, let us go!
Ransomless here we set
our prisoners free.

Proclaim our honors, lords,
with trump and drum.
