
Why not?
To travel to the Continent
as soon as my health permits.

- Very wise.
- I think so.

To look for a country house
where I may repair each summer...

...without having to cross the Channel.
- Three. To take more exercise.
- Excellent, Arthur. About time, too.

A leaf out of your book, D'Oyly.
I must walk more.

And is there a number four?
To write no more operas for the Savoy.
- And what is number five?
- To fly to the moon in his bed socks!

No, I'm serious.
I have to write a grand opera.

People expect it of me.
I must not disappoint them.

I cannot waste any more time
on these trivial soufflés.

Do you know I haven't written
a symphony for over 20 years?

Not an unprofitable 20 years,
if I may say so.

If you would learn to organise
your time more efficiently...

:10:05 could do everything you wished.
My time is finite, Helen. I must fill it
with that which is important to me.

Is not the Savoy Theatre
important to you?

This work with Gilbert
is quite simply killing me.

Working with Gilbert would kill anybody.
Is your contract with D'Oyly
and Mr Gilbert not important to you?

But our present concern is your health.
You must go to the South of France
and recover.

We can discuss this on your return.
I shall recover, D'Oyly.
And I shall return.
But there will be nothing to discuss.
Did you dine at the Beefsteak Club?
Yes. Somewhat unsatisfactory.
Well, you missed Mrs Judd's rabbit curry.
One gets the impression that everyone
is snickering behind one's back.

Perhaps you could have some
for tomorrow's lunch.
