Toy Story 2

[ Puzzle Pieces Rattling ]
Bye, Woody.
Wheezy! Think, think, Woody.
Think, think, think.

Ooh-- [ Blows Raspberry,
Sputters, Whistles ]

- [ Barking ]
- Hey. Here, boy. Here, Buster!

Up here!
No, no, no, no, no, no!

Okay, boy.
To the yard sale! Hyah!

- [Potato Head]
What's goin 'on?He's nuts.
- His arm ain't that bad.

Don't do it, Woody!
We love you!

[ Woody ] Careful on the steps, now.
[ Grunting ]

[ Buster Pants ]
Okay, boy. Let's go.
And keep it casual.

[ Woody ] Not that casual.
[ Child Babbling ]
- [ Hamm ] Piggy bank
coming through, coming through.
- [ Rex ] Is he out there?

[Buzz] There he is.
- [ Woody Grunts ]
- **[Man Whistling]

- [Rex]He's in the box!
- [ Hamm ] He's sellin' himself
for 25 cents!

- You're worth more than that.
- [Buzz]Holdon. Holdon.
He's gotsomething.

- It's Wheezy!
- [ All ] Wheezy?

Hey, it's not suicide.
It's a rescue.

- [ Woody Grunts ]
- [ Wheezy Squeaking ]

Good boy, Buster. Hold still.
There. There you go, pal.

- Bless you, Woody.
- All right, now.
Back to Andy's room. Hyah!

- [Toys Laughing]
- [Buzz] Way togo, cowboy.
