Toy Story 2

It's extortion.
That's what it is.

Hey, I always thought
the golden sector was the only--

- [ Screams ]
- [ Hamm ] I thought
we could search in style.

Nice going there, Hamm. So how about
letting a toy with fi ngers drive?

Am I really that fat?
- [ Grunting ]
- Ow!

- What are you doing?
- You're in direct violation
ofCode 6404.5,

stating all space rangers
are to be in hyper-sleep...

until awakened by authorized personnel.
- Oh, no.
- [ Grunts ]
You're breakin' ranks, ranger.

Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.
- I've got an AWOL space ranger.
- Tell me I wasn't this deluded.

No back talk!
I have a laser, and I will use it.

-You mean the laser that's a light bulb?
-[ Laser Humming ]

[ Gasps ] Has your mind been melded?
You could've killed me, space ranger.

Or should I say "traitor" ?
- I don't have time for this.
- Halt!

I orderyou to halt!
[ Both Grunting ]
Listen to me.
Listen. Wait.

- We've been down this aisle already.
- We've never been down this aisle.

- It's pink.
- Face it. We're lost.

- [ Hamm ] Back it up. Back it up.
- [ All Giggling ]

- **[Beach]
- What a great party!


[ Giggling Continues ]
Excuse me, ladies. Does anyone
know where we might fi nd the Al
ofAl's Toy Barn?

I can help.
I'm Tour Guide Barbie.
Please keep your hands, arms
and accessories inside the car,
and no flash photography.

-I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud.
