Toy Story 2

Thought I'd get one last look at
the sun before I get packed away again.

I know you hate me for leaving,

but I have to go back.
I'm still Andy's toy.
Well, ifyou knew him, you'd understand.
See, Andy's a real--

Let me guess.
Andy's a real special kid.

And to him, you're his buddy,
his best friend.

And whenAndyplays withyou,
it's like even thoughyou're notmoving,

you feel like you're alive,
because that's how he sees you.

How did you know that?
Because Emily was just the same.
She was my whole world.
* Whensomebody lovedme*

* Everything was beautiful*
* Every hour wespent together*
* Lives within my heart*
*And whenshe wassad*
* I was there to dry her tears *
*And whenshe was happy so was I*
* Whenshe lovedme*
* Through thesummerandthe fall*
* We hadeach other
That was all*

*Justshe andI together*
* Like it was meant to be*
*And whenshe was lonely*
* I was there to comforther*
*AndIknew that*
*She lovedme*
[ Both Giggling ]
*So theyears wentby*
