Tube Tales

Stevie! Stevie!
It 's a good job I bumped into, mate.
You just made me remember.

You're looking well.
Fuck it man, you are fat!
This fucking train, man.
We're fucking stuck here.

I'll tell you what: If I'm at the top
of your hit list, I'll take on you...

and all your extras, cause I ain't
no pussy cat. I'm Bulla, the bull.

- Fucking no! Not again, man!
- What the fuck are you doing?

- Calm down.
- What the fuck is this?

- It 's just a little bit of blood.
- Stupid wanker!

- I've got a nose bleed, all right?
- Stand back, please. Are you okay?

- I'm fine.
- Take this and hold your head back.

- What, man?
- Take another one.

I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
Look, I don't want you
to walk with me.

Hold it there, alright? Just wait
there for me. I won't be a minute.

Roy, Charlie, come in.
Is there anyone upstairs?

- Yeah, it 's Roy.
- Suspect coming up towards you.

Young guy wearing jeans with VEX
written on them and a black jacket.

- He should be going up the escalator.
- All right.

You can't miss it.
- It 's your lucky day, boy.
- No, my friend. It 's your lucky day.

Yes, got it.
Stevie, I told you. You're not fat.
You're just big-boned.
