Tuesdays with Morrie

[Mitch Narrating]
I left Janine with promises.

We'd talk. We'd get help
as soon as I got back.

- Meanwhile, Walter was right.
The world didn't stop.
- I'll see you Friday.

Guys, have you got time
for a couple questions?

Guys... Sam, what happened
in the fourth quarter?

Danny, was your knee
bothering you?

[Mitch Narrating]
I remembered my promise to Morrie...

but when would I find time
to keep it?

The strike wasn't about money.
It was never about money.

Gee, how-
how did we miss that?

It was about our worth
as human beings.

Our self-worth
isn't being validated.

But you're not a player.
You wouldn't understand.

[Bat Hits Ball]
[Mitch Narrating] America
had become a bazaar of self-help.

Books, TVshows,
hundred-dollar-an-hour experts...

all of them with answers
to the big important questions.

This is the final call for Boston,
Arista Air flight 211 now boarding,
Gate 103.

[Mitch Narrating]
What did Morrie think of that?

He wasn't in
the self-help business.

He was standing on the tracks with
death's locomotive whistling toward him.

His mind had become
a lightning rod for ideas.

He saw things with incredible clarity.
I wanted that clarity.

I thought I had it once.
Who I was, what I wanted.
What had happened to me?

[Woman] This is the last call
for Boston, Arista flight...

Excuse me. Excuse me.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.

****[Male Quartet Singing]
**I love thejava jive
and it loves me **

** Coffee and tea
and thejivin'and me **

**A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup **
* It's hot, look out *
**I lovejava sweet and... **
You almost missed the funeral.
No, it was Morrie's idea.

A living funeral. He said he didn't
want to wait till he was dead...

for people to say
nice things about him.

- Go on in.
- **A cup, a cup, a cup **

****[Man Scatting]
* I love coffee and tea *
**I love thejava jive
and it loves me **

** Coffee and tea
and thejivin'and me **
