Tuesdays with Morrie

Well, sometimes the nights are
difficult for him. They really are.

- [Morrie] Charlotte.
- Coming, dear.

****[Opera Continues]
Every time Aldo works me over...

I feel like he's given me
an extra couple of days.

You like massage?

- Uh, not really, no.
- No?

Oh, boy, I revel in it.
You know what's funny? Some people
just don't like to be touched.

I always found that
rather odd.

When we're babies,
we live to be touched...

to be held,
cuddled by your mother...

We never seem
to get enough of that.

We need it so badly. I...

- Have a, uh...
- Yeah. You okay?

Yeah. I cry a lot.
Maybe you noticed.

- Do you cry, Mitch?
- Uh...

All this makes you uncomfortable,
doesn't it? I... The crying and touching.

I see you look away.

I guess I'm just not really
a touchy-feely guy.

- Yeah, it scares you.
- Doesn't scare me.

Yes, it scares you.
All this does.

Everything we're talking about...
death, dying.

There is a reason why people
don't talk about these things.

- Hmm?
- To spare people's feelings.

To spare people's feel...
I never have understood that.

How can you spare someone's
feelings by denying them?

- [Grunts]
- What, you got a plane?

No. You're not the only one
who has to use the commode
sometimes, you know?

[Birds Chirping]
