Tuesdays with Morrie

Yeah, so have I.
Mitch, I don't think we should
see each other anymore.

- [Raucous Laughter]
- What?

- Whoa, wait a minute.
Wait... Let me just...
- No, no, just let me say this.

I can't keep pretending that we're
ever going to be a real couple...

because I know in my heart
that we are never going to be.

- Please don't say that, Janine.
- Mitch.

This is so hard,
but I can't wait anymore.

We just don't want
the same things.

That's not true.
I love you. I...

I know you love me.
And I love you.

But I need more than that.

- Okay.
- [Reporter] Oh, my God.!

Can we please just not
do this on the phone?

I-I will get a plane.
I will come home tonight.

No, Mitch, don't.
I won't be here. It's too late.

- Janine.
- I can't be with you anymore.

I'm sorry.
Hello? Janine? Hello?
Hey, mystery woman.!
He's sneaking her out.!

[All Shouting]
Mitch, come on, let's go.
- Mitch, get the lead out!
- I'm coming. I'm coming.

- Hey, Sergio!
- [Shouting Continues]

[Mitch Grunting]
- [Tires Screeching]
- What the hell am I doing?

[Dispatcher On Radio, Indistinct]
[Gasping, Wheezing]
It's all right, sweetheart.
I'm here. I'm right here.

God bless you, sweetheart.
- Ta-da! Food man. Hey, Connie.
- Hey.

Is that Mitch?
Must be Tuesday.

It's Mitch.
How ya doin', Coach?

I hope you haven't eaten already,
'cause I got some very good stuff here.

- Ah, what do you got?
- I got...
