Une liaison pornographique

We're not so young.
Do you ache too? No, I'm not aching...
I'm crushed.
My thighs hurt most. And you?
The small of my back.
We'll be stiff tomorrow.
But it was good.
Yes, very good.
Twice a day should be for special occasions.
I'II drive you home.
- It's late for a metro.
- I'll get a cab.

I can give you a lift.
No, I'll get a cab. It's better.
Yes. As you wish.
You wanted a cab, right?
It's too sudden?
I can send it away.
No, I have to go anyway.
- See you next week.
- Thursday?

The cab's waiting.
You're a decent man. Do you know that?
Thank you.
You could have been...
I don't know... I wouldn't have minded...
I wasn't looking for someone...
in particular. It would have suited me in fact
to find someone for something purely sexual.
You'd have preferred it to be purely sexual between us?
