Une liaison pornographique

no mention of our lives.
Or what we usually call our lives:
age, name, profession. We did without all that.
None of it really mattered.
It wasn't a conscious decision.
It just happened.
Monday week? Yes, I still have rooms.
It lasted... six months. Yes, six months.
We met for three or four months, once or twice a week.
Monday week, no problem.
We'd see each other every two weeks or so.
On Tuesdays. Or sometimes Thursdays.
It depended.
You didn't tire of it?
I'II never tire of it. It was good.
Good isn't the word. It was good, yes.
But something was happening.
I was getting used to her.
At first, I found her beautiful.
Then I started seeing her faults.
But then those faults vanished. Her beauty vanished.
I was getting used to her...
to her face, her body and her voice.
A man is strange...
I mean...
A man looking at you...
desiring you...
You feel his desire.
You also feel...
And this is the strangest part... You also feel you desire him,
