Universal Soldier: The Return

What's going on here?
Erin Young. KTXD.
l don't care who you are.
You cannot be here!

Joe, come on.
Maggie, please watch her.
l'll come back, honey. Okay?

Commence evacuation
emergency procedures.

-He's drawing power from the mains.
-What the hell is going on?

lt's like someone's
hacking into the system.

-ls that possible?
-lt is if he's doing it himself.

He's activating systems.
-Maybe we can shut down and reboot.
-l have no choice.

Facility lockdown. Commence
evacuation emergency procedures.

All personnel, evacuate facility.
Come on.
Let's go.
Hello, Dr. Cotner.
I'm ready when you are.

But on the other hand...
... fuck you!
All units proceed
to Matrix defence positions.

All personnel, evacuate facility.
Kill the power.
lt's about all we can do,
is shut it all down.

Pull the main. Disconnect
the emergency backup power supply.

-Get them out of here.
-Again, you?

-Dad, l'm scared.

Maggie, take Hillary home.
l'll talk to you later.
Come on, Hilly.
-Shut it down!
-Threat to SETH existence.

Wait! No!
