
That's what's comin' our way.
The opportunity of a lifetime
if we play our cards right.

That's what, about 30 grand apiece ?
- Three hundred G's apiece.
- Three hundred G's !

That's at one percent ?
I'm willing to change all that,
cut you in for ten percent.
That's $3 million each.
- [ Richie Chuckles ]
- What do you think of that ?

What do you think ?
- Is it legal ?
- Totally.

Totally legal.
- Shit. I'm in if you're in, jefe.
- Hey, I'm good.

What about you, Foster ?
- Oh, Foster, please ! Come on !
- What ?

- Come on ! It's easy money !
- There's no such thing
as easy money, Squeaky.

I'll take that as a yes, Foster.
Baker, find the ship's generator.
We need power to the bridge.

See if you can get
the main engines running.
Squeaky, you go with him. Richie ?

Throw a line down to the tug.
We're gonna have to turn
this ship into the wind.

Foster, can you see if you can get some
of this navigational equipment started ?

Captain. My father was an admiral.
I know a little something
about maritime law.

If there's anybody alive on this ship,
you can't claim her.

- Then let's not find anyone alive.
- What does that mean ?

Just that. I hope
we don't find anyone alive.

Woods, come back to me.
We're gonna need to turn
the ship into the wind.

It just doesn't add up. You know ?
Russian vessel, middle of nowhere,
dead in the water, crew vanished ?
