Wild Wild West

Don't you just hate that song?
Why, y'aII Iook Iike
you've seen a ghost.

It's me, dear friends.
AIive and kicking.
WeII, aIive, anyway.
We may have Iost the war...
...but heaven knows we haven't Iost
our sense of humor.

No, not even when we Iost a Iung...
...a spIeen...
...a bIadder...
...two Iegs...
...35 feet of smaII intestine...
...and our abiIity to reproduce,
aII in the name of the South!

Do we ever Iose our sense of humor?
Now, I owe a deep debt of gratitude...
...to our friends from across the sea
for their comfort...

...and kindness.
So mi casa es su casa !
Let the party begin!
Mr. West.
How nice of you to join us...
...and add coIor
to these monochromatic proceedings.

When one comes back
from the dead...

...I find that an occasion to stand up,
be counted.

Miss East informs me that you expected
to see GeneraI McGrath here.

I knew him years ago...
...but I haven't seen him
in a coon's age.

It'd be difficuIt
for a man of your stature...

...to keep in touch with
even haIf the peopIe you know.

Perhaps Miss East wiII keep you from
being a sIave to your disappointment.

BeautifuI women encourage you
one minute...

...then cut the Iegs out
from under you.

Quite. WiII you excuse me?
