Wing Commander

TAGGART: Out! You get out!
Get out, get out!
What's your problem?
-Did you change course?

No, I didn't change course.

I just boosted the power.
Why dog it?

We can be at the beacon
in, like, under an hour.

That beacon
is marking a gravity well.

One cubic inch of it...
exerts more gravitational force
than the sun.

COMPUTER: Navcom on-line.
TAGGART: lf we approach it
too fast...

we'll be sucked in
out of control.

If I don't realign
our entry vector...

we are not going
to make the jump.

-What happens if we miss?
-We die.

BLAIR: Have we reached
the entry vector's PNR yet?

No, no. Not yet.
She's reaching out for us.
Listen to that.
COMPUTER: Velocity holding--

Well, ladies, meet Scylla...
COMPUTER: Warning--
gravitational anomaly detected.

Bane to sailors
and monster of myth.

What's a Scylla?
Ulysses sailed between
the whirlpool Charybdis...

and the island monster, Scylla.
She snatched six of his men
and ate them.

Whoa. What is this thing?

This thing is a distortion
in space-time.

The Pilgrims
were the first to chart it.

If it's charted,
why is it off-limits?

Because it's unstable.
It's unstable?
Whoa. It's unstable,
and we're gonna jump it?!

[Alarm blares]
Navigational computer
just went off-line!

I'm on it!
-Yes, sir?

You take the helm!
I never made a jump before.

TAGGART: Good time to learn!
MARSHALL: That's it!
I don't like this guy.

B, l--I don't know about you...
but I really don't
like this guy at all, man.
