Yi ge dou bu neng shao

No more nonsense.
It's time for school!

What time is it?
It's almost noon!
- Let's get started!
- We haven't raised the flag.

Today is Monday.
We should raise the flag.

Raise the flag.
Raise the flag!
One, two, one.
One, two, one.

One, two, one.
One, two, one.

- Stand up straight.
- Turn left!

- Stand straight!
- Turn right!

Raise the flag!
- Sing the national anthem.
- Wait!

There is no flag.
How can you sing?

Zhang Huike, where is the flag?
- Teacher Gao has it.
- Teacher Gao is away.

- But--
- Go get it.

How can you sing without the flag!
Raise the flag and sing the anthem.
Ready, begin!
" Rise up! We are no man's slave.
Together we will
build a new Great Wall.

In times of danger,
the Chinese people...

will fight to their last breath.
Rise up! Together we have one goal.
We brave the enemy's bullets
and march ahead.

We brave the enemy's bullets
and march ahead.

And march ahead."
Be quiet!
Teacher Wei, come in.
Come in.
You are the teacher!
Come here!
