Yi ge dou bu neng shao

- He can pay us when we're done.
- What happens if he won't pay?

He will pay us if we work.
Let's go.

- Where do we put the bricks?
- How about here?

What if we don't know how?
Put one on top of another.
Once we're done, he has to pay us.

What are you doing?
Who let you in?
You have to pay us.
- Who let you in?
- We moved 1 000 bricks.

I should be charging you
for damage.

We moved 1 000 bricks.
You have to pay us!

- Pay you!
- We moved them inside!

You broke most of them.
Who told you to do this?
You have to pay us!
I won't give you a penny!
Pay me!

- We don't work for free!
- Leave!

Leave now!
