Yi ge dou bu neng shao

''Teacher Wei doesn't treasure chaIk
Iike Teacher Gao.

''Teacher Gao aIways teIIs us
the schooI has no money.

''We can't afford much chaIk.
''He teaches us to treasure chaIk.
''I'm the cIass president.
''I heIp Teacher Gao pick up the chaIk.
''I know Teacher Gao wouIdn't throw away
even the smaIIest piece.

''I remember once I threw a smaII piece
in the corner.

''Teacher Gao saw it and picked it up.
''He heId it between his fingertips
and used it to write one more word.

''The Iast stroke,
he wrote with the chaIk Ieft on his finger.

''I feeI very sad.
''A box of white chaIk
has become a box of bIack dust.

''If Teacher Gao knew
he wouId be sad, too.''

-Get up.

I want to taIk to you!
Can't we taIk tomorrow? I want to sIeep!
-Put on your cIothes.
-How about tomorrow?

Hurry up!
What do you want?
Say you're sorry to Zhang Mingxian!
You knocked over the chaIk.
-Say you're sorry!

Why shouId I say I'm sorry? I won't say it!
You have to!
-I won't say it!
-You have to!

I want to go back to bed.
You aren't going anywhere
untiI you say you're sorry!

-Say it!

Say it!
Let me go to sIeep!
