Yi ge dou bu neng shao

-If you won't go, I wiII.
-It's no use. He won't come back.

Can you get a truck to take me?
AII the trucks are being used.
Then give me some money.
I'II take the bus.

-I don't have any money.
-You owe me 50 yuan. Give it to me now.

I can't give it to you now.
I'II pay you Iater.

-But I have to find him.
-He stiII won't come back.

Besides, you are too young.
You can't go to the city aIone.
I won't aIIow it!

You must teach our students.
I can't Iet you to go.

Who'II teach the students?
I'II come right back.
You teach them for one day.

How can I do that? I'm the mayor.
I'm very busy.

I don't have time to teach.
You can't go.
-I have to go!

-Give me some money.
-I haven't got any.

How much are bus tickets to the city?
-10 yuan.
-1 yuan.

How much?
-1 yuan?
-No way!

How much?
Five and a haIf.
A chiId's ticket is 1 yuan.
I don't know about an aduIt ticket.

An aduIt ticket is 3 yuan.
ReaIIy? 3 yuan? How do you know?
I went with my mother once.
Let's say it's 3 yuan.
A round trip ticket for me is 6 yuan...
...pIus Zhang Huike's ticket is 12 yuan.
No, that's wrong.
He onIy needs a return ticket,
9 yuan in totaI.

Who has money?
We don't have any.
I'II pay you aII back.
Come on. We onIy need 9 yuan.
Everyone has to chip in.
Let's see what you have.

-I don't have any.
-Take out everything you have.
