Yi ge dou bu neng shao

Everyone must bring 50 cents tomorrow.
-We don't have it.

That won't do. How can I get to the city?
How can I bring Zhang Huike back?
-No money!
-Bring your money tomorrow.

-We couId move bricks at the factory.
-What for?

-We can earn money that way.
-How much can we make?

1.5 cents for each brick.
The factory's there.

-My famiIy worked there before.
-1.5 cents. That's too IittIe.

So we'II move more.
How much wouId we have to move?
Zhang Mingxian,
caIcuIate on the bIackboard.

One brick makes 1.5 cents.
Ten makes 15 cents.
Moving 100 makes 150 cents.
Moving 1,000 makes 1,500 cents.
How much is 1,500 cents?
15 yuan.
15 yuan.
No, that's not right! It shouId be 150 yuan.
15 yuan. You added an extra zero.
It's 15 yuan then.
15 yuan, that's enough.
-Let's go to the factory now.

-Let's aII go.

-Why isn't anyone here?
-The power is out.

-Where's the manager?
-He's not here.

Teacher, the manager isn't here.
Let's go back.
