Yi ge dou bu neng shao

There's an extra zero there.
Jie, you added an extra zero again!
We onIy need 17 hours!
That's two days.
That's good! Then Iet's go!
We can't do it!
It'II take too Iong! We can't do it!
But I have to go to the city.
I have to bring him back.
Are we going, or not?
Let's forget the bricks.
You shouId just dodge the bus fare!
It wouId take forever to earn 50 yuan!
What if I get caught?
No way!
We'II go with you.
What are you kids doing? Get back!
Why aren't you in schooI?

Where are the other two?
Can't we buy tickets, too?
Bus to the city! Bus to the city!
Any more passengers?
Hurry up, Iast caII.
