Yi ge dou bu neng shao

-Have you finished?

''Zhang Huike, maIe, 11 years oId.
From ShuiQuan ViIIage.

''Third grade student.
''Wearing a chequered shirt
and Iight-grey pants.

''Not very taII, short hair, medium buiId.
''His famiIy is poor, and his mother is sick,
his dad died young, he Ieft schooI.''

These are useIess.
Where can he find you?
How can he find you?

You two go over there.
Go stand by the stairs and wait.

-I'II teII him to Iook for you there.
-Which stairs?

Right there. Go there and wait.
Don't wander around,
otherwise he won't be abIe to find you.

-OnIy one?
-One for me, one for you.

-No more?
-I've onIy got two.

Let's eat.
Attention please.
Zhang Huike from ShuiQuan Village.
It's the announcement. Listen.
On the Ioudspeaker.
Zhang Huike from ShuiQuan Village.
When you hear this message,
go to the stairs at Building 1 1.
