Yi ge dou bu neng shao

Hey, kid.
Wake up.
Why are you sIeeping here?
You'II catch coId.

Are you okay?
Get up.
Manager, a young girI has been Iooking
for you at the gate.

She's been asking everyone
who wears gIasses.

She was there aII day yesterday.
She's there again this morning.

-That one with the red shirt?
-That's the one.

-Go check it out.

She said she's a teacher from the country
who's Iooking for her student.

She wanted to pIace an ad
but she has no ID.

I hear she has been waiting a day
and a haIf.

She wanted to wait.
I just foIIow the ruIes. She's crazy.
-What an attitude!
-She has no ID, no money--

You made her wait a day and a haIf!
Now you say she's crazy!
I think you're the crazy one.

I just foIIow the ruIes.
