Yi ge dou bu neng shao

-She has no ID.
-So you made her wait a day and haIf?

How couId you?
-I'II Iet her in right away.
-Forget it. I'II go.

-Are you the station manager?

Is there something I can do for you?
You don't want to pIace an ad.
Thirty seconds costs 600 yuan.

That's money you don't have.
But the station manager wants to heIp you.
We have a pIan.
We have a show caIIed Today in China.
It's our highest rated show.
You can be our guest,
an educator from the countryside.

We'II mention your student.
It's sure to work.

The quality of education
is rapidly improving.

The nine-year compulsory education policy
has been successfully implemented...

...but it's still not very promising
in some areas...

...especially rural areas.
The necessary tools are lacking.
Many children can't go to school
for several reasons.

Today, I am honoured
to introduce a special guest...

...who will talk about education
in rural areas.

I have here Ms. Wei
from ShuiQuan Village Primary School.

Can you tell us about the situation
at your school?

Ms. Wei is a little nervous.
Zhang Huike is a third grade student
at ShuiQuan.

His mother is iII, and the famiIy is in debt.
He came to the city to work
to pay off their debts.

Teacher Wei came to the city aIone...
...to find Zhang Huike
so he can go back to schooI.

An increasing number of students
are dropping out of schooI.

Why do you think this happens?
