28 Days

See, I figured we could
see it through.

So when he said...
...he was moving her in with us...
...and that I could stay or leave...
...l see now I should've left.
I've got something....
When you....
You want to do it later?
I think, yeah.
Why did you--?
Some feeling words in there, or...?
-You know?

I don't know how to explain.
All right. Okay, well,
that's a good start.

Another time. It's all right.
So let's finish up today
with a prayer, all right?

Let's all hold hands.
God, grant me the serenity...
...to accept the things
I cannot change...

...the courage to change
the things I can...

...and the wisdom to know
the difference.

It works if you work it.
It's worth it!

All right!
Take on the day. Go ahead.
Hey, Gwen C.!
Your bed was not made up,
your clothes were all over.

I'm giving you an F for daily
inspection and fining you a dollar.

So pay up.
Tell you what.
Here's five dollars.
I don't plan on cleaning all week.

