28 Days

What's the deal here if somebody
was looking for something...

...with a little more kick
than nicotine?

Do people actually get stuff here,
or is it...?

It happens.
How does it work?
I mean, how can you get stuff?

Can you get stuff,
or is it, like...?

If your counselor catches you using,
you can get kicked out.

I don't plan on discussing it
with him.

Too late.
Generally, people come to rehab
not to get loaded.

Well, I try not to run with the pack.
You're a real individual.
You're the only person
who does drugs and alcohol.

I meant what I said.
You get caught using,
you risk getting kicked out.

Fair enough. We done?
And believe me,
I'll know if you're using.

You always this charming?
You always use humor to
deflect things when you're uneasy?

Do you always use insight
to disarm your new recruits?

-What's that?
-It's literature about your disease.

AA Big Book, some worksheets.
A journal I want you
to write in every day.

I suppose I have to do this.
You got better things to do
with your time?

Hey, listen.
This isn't the last lousy day
you'll have here.

So remember, God never dumps
more on us than we can handle.

Is that available stitched
on a pillow?

Tonight's lecture: "A re Yo u A Blackout
Drunk, OrDon't Yo u Remember?. "

You going down?
My problem is, my father just
happened to watch Dateline...

...the night they're doing
some expos_...

...on Park Avenue drug users...
...the night he caught me
doing blow in the bathroom.

But I don't have a problem.
I don't have health problems.

I play Ultimate Frisbee
two times a week.

And I'm, you know, a patron of the
arts, and diseases and cures and stuff.
