28 Days

So what's the deal? I'm out?
It'll take me a day to
arrange your transfer.

I know where I want to go.
This place in the city--

I'm not referring you
to a treatment facility.

I get to go home?
Where am I going, then?
Your sentence was
for 28 days of rehab or jail time.

You don't honestly think
I'm going to jail, do you?

For driving drunk, hitting a lawn jockey
that could've been a 4-year-old child?

But it wasn't.
It was a 4-year-old lawn jockey.

That's fine if this is all a big joke,
but in here we have rules.

And I warned you about them.
Pack your bags by morning.

No, I'm not.
Because I don't belong in jail.

I don't even belong in here.
You know, yeah, I know I drink a lot.
I'm a writer,
and that's what I do, we drink.

Cornell Shaw for Clancy, please.
I'm not like those people.
I can control myself.

No, I'll hold.
If I wanted to, I could.
If that's what I wanted. I could.

I can.
I can!
You know what?
Forget that, Mr. Rogers,
you 1 2-stepping geek.

What do you know about me?
Nothing. You don't know a goddamn
thing about me, you know that?

Always tomorro w
Lean on me
-Wh en you're not strong
-Excuse me.

-I'll be your friend
-Excuse me.

-I'll help you carry--
-Excuse me!

We're better together! No drugs!
Grant me the serenity to...
-...accept the things I cannot change--
-Excuse me!
