28 Days

And be alone, and, you know,
in a room without....

You know, a person should be able
to just be alone, right?

You know, human beings should
be able to just breathe.

I can't breathe.
And I feel that....
I think, I know
that if I go to jail...

...like this, you know, I'll die.
I don't want to die.
I don't like what's happening here.
Wait a minute, let's try to use
a feeling word.

I'm pissed!
Okay, pissed. Why?
Because no way should she be here.
Tell her.
No way should you be here!
That's right. There's a rule.
No using. You broke it.

-I'm sorry.
-Sorry, my ass.

All you've done since you got here is
sit around while the rest of us work.

You expect us to be glad
that they let you stay?

I'm not expecting anything.
Gwen, just listening.
Everybody, feeling words.

I don't think you are giving.
I don't feel that
you are giving person.

I'm trying!
I don't feel niceness coming from you.
Should I go to another group?
Great idea. Spread
your negativity even further.

You know, if you really try...
...you could ruin the experience
for the entire patient population.

I am having a bad day!
I am having the worst damn day
of my whole damn life!

So if it is not too much
to ask of you people...

...will you just back the fuck off?!
Excellent work.
Really excellent work.

Good sharing, everybody.
