28 Days

Letting that switch in the head turn
the hot light off and the cool light on.

Nobody gets hurt collecting coins.
Everybody hurts everybody.
It's the human condition!

Don't let them tell you there's
something wrong with you! You're fine!

I don't feel fine.
Of course not. You're in Deliverance
country surrounded by sober freaks.

And you're not with me.
I don't feel fine these days either,
and I think that's because we're apart.

You're mine.
I'm yours.
I love you.
Why do you want me, Jasper?
I am such a mess.

Maybe I like mess.
Th ere 's a time when you can share...
...and you can hold hands
and be on the same path.

But there's always
a fork in the road at some point.

And sometimes you have to go
on one part of the fork...

...and they gotta go
on the other part of the fork.

Or just down the back part of the fork
while you go forward.

And they're like....
Or they got a salad fork
and you have a big dinner fork...

...and you have longer to go,
but they're done, because that's it.

They're stuck on a piece of food
that they....

The dessert fork or, like,
one of those, you know...

...small crab forks,
and you're trying to get out a crab.

And you're over here jumping to
the huge serving fork...

...or something like that.
Or a ladle, you know.

Hey, And?
Guess what.
Goober. Are you not
talking to me right now?

I only had, like, five pieces.
