28 Days

Come here.
About last night, I really think
you should tell somebody.

-Oh, yeah. I already did.
-Yeah, when?

This morning. I found my counselor,
and I told her...

...and we talked about it.
She'll help me.

Hold on. You really talked to her?
No, I'm making it up.
We don't really have to climb
this thing, do we?

We don't know the whole story.
We ought to hear her side...

...before we go saying what's what.
Guzzling Gwen!
-What's with the ring-in-the-roll guy?

Your boyfriend!
Andrea, does the phrase
"in confidence" mean anything?

You never said not to tell.
I know better than anyone
how important it is who you marry.

But just because somebody proposes,
that don't mean you have to say yes.

-Did someone propose to Gwen?
-Her boyfriend.

-I thought Gwen was a lesbian.
-I'm not a lesbian!

It's okay if you are.
Can we talk about something else?
When did this happen?
Yesterday. On the lake.
Was it sunset?
Sunset by the lake is very romantic.

It was lunchtime,
and he brought a picnic...

...with champagne.
He brought champagne?
We didn't drink it.
I threw it overboard.

It's not a very cool guy
to bring you booze in rehab.

He doesn't understand
what I'm doing here.

If you're serious about getting sober,
your love partner would know.

You must not be committed
to your recovery.

-Oh, my God!

Shouldn't you be doing something now?
-I got you.
-I say you dump that guy.

I can make this decision on my own,
okay? I don't need your help.

That's not what your sign says.
Forget what my sign says!
He doesn't know a thing about me!
Neither do you all!

You don't live my shitty life.
Until you do, do not tell me to give
up the one person that matters to me!

I know he's not perfect, but he's the
one that'll show up on my birthday...

...and say, "l'm glad you were born!"
What's the matter with you?
-Just let go.
-Trust it.
