A Better Way to Die

Hence, by transit of fucking property,
you do what the fuck he says.

Shit isn't professionaI, man.
That's the shit that's fIoating in
your bowI, so Iive with it, CIeveIand.

Why don't you and your cousin do
what I'm paying you to do?

CIeveIand, why don't we teII this guy
to fuck off?

We can go back down south tonight.
Lou ...
I wouId Iove to get Iaid tonight
by my wife in my bed.

But we need this job. We need the dough.
Zoe and Cassandra need the dough.

Carpe per diem.
- Seize the cash.
- Fuck that.

We're not going to fuck that!
You hear me?

UntiI one of us wins the fucking Iotto,
we'II deaI with these white fucks.

Shoot this piece of shit. I'm jammed.
Fuck that! I don't have time
to shoot everybody, -

-just because this white douche bag
says we shouId. It'II fuck up my karma.

You waste him.
