After Sex

Faith must win you, one says.
But t is more: Verkloot t not.

You do not have win t,
do not let see that your t verkloot.

If your t not verkloot,
to trust them you. Nothing ' wins '.

Stay in simply,
where they can see you.

You said: Does not let see
that you t verkloot.

You are at home.
What does you nou thuis?

Everything well with your?
- Hear yes.

I did not feel myself this way tof,
therefore I have rather left.

Do you do want talk? I sit here.
I will even tea put?
I go with the train to San Francisco,
then am possible I on the boat to Jokohama.

I can not yet believe
that they have selected me.

You have qualities, Roger.
That sees everyone.

Of course I want that you go.
If you that sits transversely.
