After Sex

Which vent?
Of our weekendje.
- That does not think you.

I weet what I do.
What does you then?
I stand smoke.
She now even smokes in house.
Why are not yet you at its way?
I see gladly suffering its.
I continue ask how its weekendje were.

You let her suffer therefore.
What you had done if you were its?
- Not done with n other man.

Have you done t with other men?
- No. You get t, however.

You have done t with other women.
- That is differently.

How is that then differently?
- They have n other one in itself sit.

That makes t therefore complete differently.
- But we are those who sit in them.

Who you kinder want be?
Jona or the whale?

Jona or the whale?
- Lets m. finish just as.

You kinder n meid
or n fish or something like that is...

with or an other strange thing
within in your...

where you in absolutely no manner
as from can come?

Or you are kinder Jona?
But those must one select thing:
How do I get away here in godsnaam?
Jona, then.
Alstublieft. Thanks you, lords.
You have no more word said.
Because I will smoke? Was that this way terrible?

No, but you lay
then you said that your had stopped.
