Alice et Martin

- I am so!
- You're lying.

How did you raise your temperature?
I'd like to know.

I'm listening.
It was easy.
I rubbed the thermometer
against the sheet.

It heats up. That's all.
Fair enough. Nice little trick.
It proves you're smart.
Why did you do it?
I don't have to say.
You have to tell me the truth.
You can't make me talk.
My friend's parents beat him.
The teachers found out.

I won't beat you.
I want to know you better.

We have to talk openly.
If you lie,
where does it get us?

I'll lie too.
Your mom kept you for 1 0 years.
You're all she has.

What could I do?
It's time you grew up.
It's my turn to look after you.
I don't want to live here.
The change would be good for you,
broaden your horizons.

What for?
To help you succeed in life.

No, I don't.
I didn't ask for anything.

I'm tired of this.
Can I go back to my room?

No, come down and eat.
The game's over.
No, it's not. I am sick.
I've had enough.
Is that understood?
