Alice et Martin

She never goes out?
Never. Except to see my uncle
and grandfather at the cemetery.

She doesn't stay long,
but it's a nice walk.

Dad wishes she wouldn't,
but she goes by foot.

What time does she go?
Around 6 in the summer,
when it's less hot.

Hide, it's my mom!
Don't stay there.
I'm having fun.
Having fun doing what?
Counting cars.
It'll interest Dad
for his statistics.

Enough. You're making me angry.
I have snails for Grandma.
We can't eat snails every day!
I'd like to see
- Frederic Sauvagnac.
- Concerning?

It's personal.
He's in a meeting. Afterwards...
he has appointments until noon.
It's not a good day.
I asked for
the unemployment figures
in the region.

Can I see them?
I've heard a lot about you.
I don't have much time.
Can we go somewhere else?
As you can see,
I'm in a meeting with my team.

Go on, I have nothing to hide.
