All the Pretty Horses

-Hold on.

Keep riding. Good God almighty.
I ain't leaving until I get my stuff.
-My gun too.
-Listen at that.

Get us all shot for horse-stealing don't mean a thing.
-It ain't stealing. It's mine.

Hush. Both of you.
Get over here and sit down.
We're going to stick here...
...till about a hour before daylight.
Now, you got to play this exactly like we say.
If that don't satisfy, then you tell us right now.
Yeah. Okay.
All right.
You go on and get some sleep.
And no fire tonight.
Every dumb thing I ever done in my life...
...a decision I made before that got me into it.
It was never the dumb thing.
It was always some choice I'd
made first. You understand?

Yeah, I think so.
Meaning what?
Meaning this is it.
This is our last chance. Won't be
no other time, I guarantee it.

-Meaning just leave him?
-Yes, sir.

What if it was you?
I wouldn't leave you, or you me.
You realize the fix he's in?
I realize it. It's the fix he's put himself in.
