Almost Famous

There is no Morocco.
There's never been a Morocco.

There's not even a Penny Lane.
I don't even know
your real name.

If I ever met a man
in the real world...

who looked at me
the way you just looked at me--

When and where
does this " real world" occur?

I mean, I am really confused here.
All these rules...

and all these sayings and nicknames.
Honey, you're too sweet
for rock and roll.

Sweet? Where do you get off?
Where do you get sweet?
I am dark and mysterious
and pissed off!

And I could be very dangerous
to all of you.

I am not sweet!
And you should know that about me.
I am the Enemy!

Look, you should be happy for me.
You don't know
what he says to me in private.

Maybe it is love,
as much as it can be for somebody--

Who sold you to Humble Pie
for 50 bucks and a case of beer?

I was there.
I was there!
Oh, God.
I'm sorry.
What kind of beer?
Welcome to New York!
It's okay to be nervous.

You should be nervous.
All you can do is be yourself...

and leave a pint of blood
on that stage.

We showed you America.
We did everything but get you laid.
