American Psycho

Godiva, and oysters
in the halfshell.

I'm trying to listen to
the new Robert Palmer tape,

but Evelyn, my supposed fiancé,
keeps buzzing in my ear.

Annie Leibovitz.
We'll get Annie Leibovitz.

And we'll have to get
someone to videotape.

we should do it.

Do what ?
Get married. Have a wedding.

No. I can't take
the time off work.

Your father practically owns the company.
You can do anything you like, silly.

- I don't want to talk about it.
- I hate that job anyway.

I don't see why
you just don't quit.

Because I want to fit in.
William's party.
I'm on the verge of tears
by the time we arrive at Espace,

since I'm positive
we won't have a decent table.

But we do, and relief washes over me
in an awesome wave.

Patrick, this is my cousin Vanden
and her boyfriend Stash.

They're both artists.
The menu's in braille.

I see you've met everyone.
You look awful.

Okay. Allright.
I'm fairly certain that...
Timothy Bryce and Evelyn
are having an affair.

Timothy is the only
interesting person I know.

I'm almost completely indifferent
as to whether Evelyn knows...

I'm having an affair with Courtney
Rawlinson, her closest friend.

Courtney is almost
perfect looking.

She's usually operating on
one or more psychiatric drugs.

Tonight, I believe, it's Xanax.
Mmm. Oh.

More disturbing than her drug use,
though, is the fact that she's engaged...

to Luis Carruthers, the biggest doofus
in the business.

Tell me, Stash.
Do you think Soho is becoming too...
commercial ?

- Yes. I read that.
- Oh, who gives a rat's ass ?

Hey, that affects us.
Well, what about the massacres in Sri
Lanka, honey ? Doesn't that affect us too ?

Do you know anything about
Sri Lanka ?
