American Psycho

Now, John, you've gotta wear clothes
in proportion to your physique.

There are definite do's and don'ts, good buddy,
of wearing a bold-striped shirt.

A bold-striped shirt
calls for solid-colored...

or discreetly patterned
suits and ties.

Yes, always tip the stylist
15 percent.

Listen,John, I've gotta go.
T. Boone Pickens just walked in.

Just joking. No, don't tip
the owner of the salon.

Okay, John ? Right.
Got it.
Sorry about that.

No, I'm sorry.
I should've made an appointment.

Was that anything important ?
Oh, that ?
Just mulling over business problems,

examining opportunities, exchanging rumors,
spreading gossip.

I'm Donald Kimball.
Hi. Pat Bateman.

Nice to meet you. Sorry to barge
in on you like this.

I know how busy
you guys can get.

So, what's the, uh,
topic of discussion ?

I've been hired
by Meredith Powell...

to investigate the disappearance
of Paul Allen.

I see, yeah.
Paul's disappearance, yeah.

So it's nothing
that official.

- I just have some questions about
Paul Allen and yourself. - Coffee ?

- No, I'm okay.
- Apollinaris ?

No, I'm okay.
Can you bring Mr.--
Kimball. No, I'm okay.
Mr. Kimball a bottle of Apollinaris.

It's no problem.
So, what's the topic
of discussion ?

The disappearance
of Paul Allen.

Uh-huh, right.
Well, I, um, haven't--

I haven't heard anything about
the disappearance or anything.

Not on page six, at least.
- I think his family wants this kept quiet.
- Understandable. Lime ?

- No, really, I'm okay.
- You sure ? I can always get you a lime.

Just some preliminary questions that I need
for my own files, okay ?

