Amores perros

# Yes, sir
# Yes, sir,
Coming, coming, coming, coming

# Yes, sir
# Fire, smiles, reality and pain
# The ground is present
# Waiting, representing,
it comes down at night

# Singing me to sleep,
I'm unconscious

# On my belly
the seconds pass

# Charged, tattooed on my back,
soaking wet

# Joined to spasms
of crying and laughter

# I've been around,
slowly but carefully

# Just as slow as the moment
that doesn't end

# Just as slow,
crossing through the thorns

# Tell me what it feels like,
tell me what it feels like

# Tell me what it feels like,
the sweat in your brow

# Tell me what it feels like,
tell me what it feels like

# Tell me what it feels like,
the sweat in your brow

# Yes, sir
# Yes, sir,
Coming, coming, coming, coming

# Yes, sir
# Wind, caresses,
levity and flavor

# Yes, sir
# Yes, sir,
Coming, coming, coming, coming

# Yes, sir...
Neøekl jsem, že mùžeš dál.
Na co se díváš?
Nestarej se.
Pøepni tu sraèku.
Tohle nemám rád.

Co chceš?
Slyšej jsem že bohatneš
s mým psem.

Tvoje auto je pìkný.
Tvým psem?
Je mùj.

Je stejnì tak mùj jako tvùj,
takže chci pùlku z vítìzství.

Podívej se na nìj.
že by jsi se o nìj moc staral.

Víc než si myslíš.
Dát ti prachy?
Nedám ti ani hovno.

Je to jednoduchý...
nakulíš mi je, nebo tvýho
pejska odstøelím.

Pøíštì doopravdy,
takže mi radši dej
mý prachy.
