
The point is, contrary to doctors who
pledge themselves to Hippocratic ideals...

...helping, healing and so on...
...they are completely devoted
to scientific research. Here.

"Experimental killing of individuals
to promote the survival of many." Insane.

Here: "Founded in the 16th century. Last
peak in activity during the Third Reich.

"At present there have been
isolated activities...

" genetic research,
artificial insemination...

"...and pharmacology.
"An Anti-Hippocratic centre
at the beginning of the century...

"...and during the Nazi period was...
-And David....
-An ideal victim for forbidden experiments.

A young patient with a rare disease in its
advanced stages, model development....

So you mean that here, in Heidelberg...
...doctors are engaging
in forbidden experiments?

Of course.
My diarrhoea. God, diarrhoea like that
must be Anti-Hippocratic.

Paula, really. It itches.
I think I already have a brand on my butt.
-What? Promidal?
-That's right.

Promidal, exactly the way
you pronounce it.

At first it was used by taxidermists.
It's basically plasma-proteic.

It practically plastimises tissue
by extracting all the salt.

One injects it into a living animal and it is
carried by the bloodstream into the cells.

Put simply, once allowed to harden,
you have your specimen.

It was forbidden
by animal protection agencies.

The longer it's active inside an animal,
the thicker the blood becomes.

The animal's movements become slower
and sooner or later: bingo.

-Paula? Are you still there?

Its chemical structure is amazingly simple.
The antidote is basically
a simple saline solution.

The question is,
how did it get into your friend's blood?

Yeah, me too. On your firm buttocks.

-You pervert!
-Are you still there?
