Auto da Compadecida, O

- But he was alive when I had it.
- When you "had" it?

You mean you gave birth
to the horse?

No, but nothing
surprises me anymore.

Last month, a woman
foaled a colt in Ceará.

It's the drought,
people starving.

They can't have babies,
so they have horses.

Horse's food is cheaper
and you can sell them.

- What was the blessed horse like?
- A finer horse, I'd never seen.

Once we chased a heifer from
dawn to dusk without a rest.

We started in Paraíba and before
I realized it, we were in Sergipe.

What about the
São Francisco River, Chicó?

You and your questions!
Of course!
How did you cross it?

Didn't I say the horse was blessed?
That's why nothing surprises me.

Blessed horses, blessed dogs,
I've seen it all.

But your fibs won't
convince Father John.

- A bitch?
- Yes.

- For me to bless?
- Yes.

That's crazy,
plain nonsense!

I told him you wouldn't.
He insisted, so here we are.

There's no way
I'll do it!

I don't see anything
wrong with blessing it.

Didn't you bless
Major Moraes's new mill?

A mill is something
everyone blesses.

But I've never heard
of blessing a bitch!

I like dogs better than mills.
But that will make
a laughing stock out of me.

It's fine to bless a mill,
everyone does it. But not a dog!

The priest is right, Chicó.
People will mock him.

One thing is Major
Antonio Moraes' mill.

Another is Major
Antonio Moraes' bitch.

