Auto da Compadecida, O

- Here it is, Father.
- There's no hurry.

The Bishop! I didn't expect
Your Grace just yet, so...

Never mind. As the French
would say, "Iet it pass".

But there are certain things
I can't easily let pass.

- I don't know what you mean.
- You will...

when I tell you I spoke
to Antonio Moraes.

- Antonio Moraes went to you?
- Yes, indeed.

He complained about
your behavior towards him.

I don't know what you mean.
I don't see why
it's so hard to grasp.

He said you were
extremely rude to him.

- He did?
- Let's be serious, Father John!

You know exactly
what I'm talking about!

Why did you call
his wife a bitch?

- Who, me?
- Yes, you!

I swear I never called
his wife a bitch!

- You did, Father John.
- I didn't, Your Grace.

- Yes, you did, Father John.
- I didn't, Your Grace.

- You did, Father John!
- I did, Bishop.

Well, did you or did you not?
I didn't. But if you say I did,
you must know better.

So it isn't true that he asked
you to bless his daughter...

and you called his wife
a bitch?

- His daughter?
- Yes, his daughter.

- He meant his daughter?
- Yes, that's what I'm saying.

The Cricket told me
it was for the bitch!
