
That would be your bats,
your leopard cats, your mole rats.

We came up empty, sir.
"There's no place like home".
- It's gotta be a building.
- We checked them all.

We checked the monkey house,
the reptile house, the giraffe house.

Even the outhouse.
We scanned the entire grounds
to a depth of 20 feet.

This guy was
a heavy-equipment operator.

Five minutes with a machine,
he could've buried the gold anywhere.

So where does that leave us, sir?
Come on, let's go
check the outhouse again.

Let's go.
We have a national security crisis.
Citadel 4 is the same system we use
to safeguard our nuclear facilities.

This guy took it apart like
he was hot-wiring a Toyota.

I'll give you the short version.
We're talking world-class loner.
A guy who spent literally tens
of thousands of hours at a computer...

feeling around in the dark.
Nothing but math.

Nothing but numbers.
His sense of well-being, his very
sanity is predicated on completion.

Only this time,
the equation is incomplete.

He didn't get the 42 million in gold
he'd worked so very hard for.

That's our edge.
Now this....
This is what I need your money for.
It's a BC-19.
It's an experimental tracking device.
Dr. Harris here can fill you in.
Well, it's quite simple, really.
The BC-19 has a proprietary signal...
broadcast and location.
