
Thank you. Thank you.
That was great. Please...
That was great. Fantastic.
Thank you.
What is your background?
I'm a actor. You know, I act.
What is the last thing
I might have seen you in?

I act on my job all the time.
Can you give me
a little performance?

I do all sorts
of kind of things, man.

Whatever you need me to do.
I even do Shakespeare shit.
Do some Shakespeare.
To be or not to be, you know?
That's the motherfuckin'

You know, that is
the motherfuckin' question.

And, well, you know,
like in "Hamlet"...

there's a scene
where this brother was--

Laertes was asking the king...
that he wanted
to go to Paris and shit.

The king asked his daddy,
and his daddy say...

"He hath, my lord, wrung from me
by laboursome petition..."

Was there any more to it,
or that was pretty much...

Basically he was saying
let that motherfucker go.

Let him go, you know.
I was working on this piece,
'cause I was sitting there...

I realize that
when I was looking at it...

Niggas is a beautiful thing.
You know?

Write that down.
And so it came to me.
It just came to me, you know?
Waste away your life and linger
Sittin' at home
watchin' Jerry Springer

You do blackface
and a monkeyshine

And cut a "G" at the same time
'Cause niggas
is a beautiful thang

Niggas is a beautiful thang,
hit me

Niggas is a beautiful thang
Then the audience would be
gettin' in with that.

I'm digging that.
I am so digging that.

"Niggas is a beautiful thing."
