Battlefield Earth

We go back and learn
about their weapons.

Our race is slowly dying
and will be gone forever.

Let it be said that we took
this one chance and fought!

Are you with me? Are you with me?!
We fight!
If you're fighting the beast,
me and my men are with you.

Thank you.
It's good to have friends out here.

May the gods be with you.
One as wise as you has ways
to stop me from shooting.

I know if I'd tried,
you would've killed me first.

Damn right, rat-brain! That's the
first intelligent thing you've said.

Rest break is over.
There's something I need you to see
so you're properly motivated.

You don't know her?
No, I don't know her.
She's one of the foulest
looking females I've ever seen.

While I tend to agree. . .
. . .it's obvious that you show a lack
of aptitude for strategic deception.

On the other hand, what you show
marginal proficiency at is. . .

. . .drawing.
This was found when she was collected.
The collar has enough explosives
to remove her head from her body.

And this remote. . .
. . .will activate it
from anywhere on the planet.

So if you disobey me, let me
show you what will happen.

Please don't harm her.
I believe you.
Don't worry, rat-brain.
