
- Where are we ?
-A place you never would
have seen without my help.

Welcome to Alison's bedroom.
- [ Meows ]
- We can't be in here.
This is breaking and entering.

I know.
It's fun, isn't it ?

I'm sure we're gonna
find the answer somewhere around here.

- What if Alison catches us ?
- Don't worry.

She won't be able to see you.
- Besides, she's in the shower... naked.
- [Shower Running]

Right behind that door.
Go on. Go ahead. Take a peep.

- No !
- Oh, come on. We both know you want to.

You must think that
I'm really perverted, don't you ?

That's what you think.
You think I'm some sad, desperate,
twisted, pathetic loser.

- Yes.
- Well, in that case, maybe
I'll just take a quick look.

Focus, Elliot. Remember, we're here
to find out what kind of man she wants.

- How are we gonna do that ?
- Well, she keeps a journal.

Aha. And here it is.
Right. I should be able to find some
information in here you'll find useful.

- Hey, that's private stuff.
- Is it ever. Listen to this.

" Last night was the most
incredible night of my life.

" I never did find out any of the guys'
names, but I brought them back here...

" and all five of them banged me
like a Salvation Army drum. "

- What ?
-Just kidding.
I could have been a writer.

[ Gasps ]
Hey, it's okay. She could bump
into you and she wouldn't feel it.

Now, this is good.
[ Alison's Voice ]
" I meet many attractive men
who are interested in me,

" and while many of them are handsome
or clever or very successful,

" I find myself turning away
from them...

" and searching the horizon
for someone else.

" I don't know who he is
or where I'll find him.

" I only know that
he is a sensitive man.

" He's a man who is in touch
with his emotions.

" He's a man who's not afraid
to share his fears,

" his disappointments
and his tears.
