
- Hey.
- I'm back, my love.

- Where did you run off to ?
- I went to make
a garland of beach plums...

to place atop your glorious head
like a crown.

But then I caught sight
of that sunset and...

I don't know, something
stirred inside me...

and I had to stop and weep.
Mmm, it's beautiful.
It is.
- There I go again.
- Tissue ?

No, I never wipe
my tears away.

I'm not ashamed of them.
I wear them proudly,

like small, wet, salty
badges of emotional truth.

Elliot, um, there's something that
I think that we should talk about.

Um, we've been together for
what, about three weeks now ?

- Three magical weeks.
- Three magical weeks.

And I don't think that I've ever
met a man who's been more in touch...

- with his feelings.
- I love you... so very much.

I love you too.
- [ Barking ]
- Dudley ! Peter !

I'm sorry.
They're such little devils.

Come on, you naughty boys.
See ya.

I'm sorry.
Are you okay ?

Um, do you need comforting
on any level ?

No, no, no, I'm fine.
Have I done or said anything to
make you feel less good about you ?

- No, no, no, I'm fine.
- Would you like something to eat ?

I made a salad nicoise
with dolphin-safe tuna.

Oh, wow.
- What is it ?
- It's that sunset again.

And I worry about the dolphins.
I wrote a song about them.
Would you like to hear it ?
