Black and White

-Then he'll let you go?
-That's what he said.

-What are you gonna do?
-I don't know.

I thought Rich was your friend.
We grew up together.
He went his way, I went my way.

All this is about fucking with the law.
-And you've been straight?
-That's right.

-Now you broke away and got nailed?
-Are you saying I'm supposed to go to jail?

-I'm saying be true to yourself.
-What would you do?

It doesn't matter.
-Sorry. Are you having a private moment?

-Excuse me, brother?
-I'm sorry, my heart is pounding right now.

I'm just so excited to meet you and stuff.
If I could just have a minute of your time
to tell you some things I have to get rid of.

-What can I do for you, my friend?
-I'm Terrence Doneger.

What can I do for you?
I'm sorry I'm so nervous.
I met you in the Versace store...
:49:05 Los Angeles a while back,
and I was a little drunk, and--

I don't know you.
No, I didn't say that we knew each other,
just that I had met you before.

I wanted to apologise if I said anything--
-I don't remember.
-Good. 'Cause I barely remember myself.

Don't worry about it. You're okay, man.
I had a dream about you.
This was what I wanted to say.

It's why my heart is racing
and I'm so fluttery.

If I seem strange, I'd like to apologise.
I had a dream about you two weeks ago.

That's funny, because you were wearing
a shirt like the one you're wearing now.

-And in the dream--

I'm on parole brother. Please. Let's....
-Am I annoying you?
-I just wanna....
